Top Foods That Have the Ability to Whiten Teeth

31 Jul

Magic Johnson smileWelcome back everybody! I have yet to meet someone that didn’t want to whiten their teeth, or at the very least maintain their already white smile. It’s such a simple yet effective measure in terms of improving your appearance – it really can’t be understated how dramatically a dull to bright smile transformation can enhance someone’s look and vibe – and this rule applies universally. There just isn’t a person alive who wouldn’t benefit from a whiter smile. No, I’m not talking about the glow in the dark Magic Johnson smile, that’s not needed in order to have a successfully whitened smile – every bit of improvement in the whiteness of a smile counts. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that so many people go to great and unorthodox lengths in order to whiten their smile, or prevent the dulling of their smile.

I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to use three weeks’ worth of whitening strips or visit the dentist for an expensive and uncomfortable cleaning in order to get whiter teeth. There’s a large number of different natural and proven to be effective ways to whiten teeth – including through the eating of a number of different naturally teeth whitening foods. Yes, you read that correctly, there are a number of foods which, if eaten, have the ability to whiten your teeth simply by coming into contact with them, as well as your bloodstream. Without further ado we will highlight some of these naturally tooth whitening foods in this, our ‘Top Foods That Have the Ability to Whiten Teeth’ feature!

Top Foods

Strawberries: That’s right, these incredible berries are not only nutritious and delicious, but smile enhancing as well! Is there anything they can’t do? Although they’re bright red in color, there is an acid contained in strawberries that has the power to naturally remove surface discoloration on teeth! Never pass up a bowl of these helpful berries when you get the chance!

Seeds, Nuts, and other Rough Stuff: Although these are a little less scientific in nature in terms of teeth whitening, the rough texture of different kinds of nuts, seeds, and more have the ability to remove stains on teeth – think of them like sand paper to the surface of your teeth.

Onions: Not only do onions have literal layers, their benefits and uses are quite layered as well! The compounds of sulfur contained in onions can, amazingly, help to prevent plaque from forming on your teeth! This only works effectively when eating onions raw, so try to work as many raw onions as you can into your salads and diet, and try to forget about what they might be doing to your breath.eating onions

Cheese: Say cheese! Seriously, eating cheese might help you out quite a bit when it’s time to smile for your next selfie. Cheese is loaded with calcium, which has the ability to strengthen teeth and gums, leading to a whiter, healthier smile!

Remember, when it comes to teeth whitening, eat the right foods and you’ll be smiling from ear to ear!